The potential for working while studying overseas is one of the greatest benefits you’ll see in the principal destinations we reveal: Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
Although before travel you have to demonstrate you have the required tools to support you during your stay, employed as a student is a superb means to pay additional expenses such as: attending concerts and other displays, eating in great restaurants, seeing cities aside the one where you’re studying in, saving, purchasing presents for your loved ones and a whole lot more.
Australia: While you are studying in an institution, you can work for 40 hours weekly for a program that lasts at least 3 months, provided that you’re insured by a student visa.
With this modality of job you’ll have the fundamental rights of employees like medical help, paid holidays and compensated absences. But should you find yourself with a Casual Work, you won’t have those rights.
You may work a couple of hours every week or a few days full time. To compensate for the rights that are absent in this scenario, your hourly wages will probably be more generous than all the additional contracts. More about working and studying in Australia.
New Zealand: You can work part-time (20 hours a week), while registered in any study program that lasts over 14 weeks, provided that the faculty is considered group 1 from the New Zealand Government. LAE signifies several schools that have this attribute. More about working and studying in New Zealand.
Canada: You can work up to 20 hours a week if you’re studying a specialized or technical class or greater that lasts at least eight months. On holiday, you are able to study the whole time. More about working and studying in Canada to come soon.
Many other countries such as Ireland, United Kingdom, and the United States also provide work rights for students, but they are mostly for higher education students with special conditions; it’s not accessible to all international students.